Sunday, September 21, 2014

Strawberry Kiwi Coconut Tart

Part deux of the strawberry craze (explained in my recipe for Caramel Brownie Strawbie Nana Ice Cream). 

I'm not a huge coconut fan, personally. I just....I dunno....mehh. Like I know everyone loves them but ehhhh. I do, however, think I'm in love with this coconut whip. It's amazing! While coconut whip may taste delicious, it is also an evil, finnicky, unhelpful, little turd. So, I'll share with you some tips for raising baby coconut into a nice, polite adult rather than the evil little jerkface he's inclined to be. It's nature vs. nurture, guys. But I highly recommend reading this tutorial over at Oh She Glows. Because those folks gave me the best coconut parenting advice I've ever been given. Also, they're much better at raising polite coconuts than I am, and they have photos to help guide you.

Did you read the tutorial, yet? Yes? Good on ya, mate! You've basically done all the hard work already. You're one of those super parents who drives carpool every week and has dinner on the table every night! No? Haha, you're my kind of person. I probably wouldn't have read it either. Skimmed it at best. I'll give you a few key tips in my instructions, but if you are in an emotional state and you think you might cry and have a mental breakdown if your coconut whip kiddie turns out to be a delinquent, I do suggest you scroll back up, click on the link, and read the tutorial. It's for your own good.

Now that you've made your choice, let's go! (Makes 1 smallish-medium sized tart)

You'll need:
for the crust: 1/3 cup of raw buckwheat (not the flour, you want the little weird seedy things)
6 (pitted) medjool dates

Make sure you pit the dates or you'll be crying before we even get to the coconut whip. Stick them in the food processor along with the buckwheat and pulse until it sticks together. (Line your tart pant with baking paper first) Then press it down in the bottom of your tart pan and up the sides of the pan to form a crust.

for the filling: 270 mL can of coconut milk (I used Ayam premium coconut milk. I know Thai Kitchen brand also comes highly recommended, if you can find it. The main thing is to shake the can of coconut milk before you buy it. If you hear it sloshing around, your coconut whip probably won't turn out)
2 tablespoons maple syrup

Leave the coconut milk in the fridge overnight (or for apprx. 6 hours). This allows the stuff in the milk to separate. You should (hopefully) get a plastery type top layer and a liquid bottom layer. Open the can from the bottom and pour out the liquid layer (you aren't gonna use this stuff). Scoop out the hard, plaster junk and put it in a bowl. Whisk it for a bit, add the maple syrup, and keep whisking until it forms soft peaks. Or if it doesn't, curl up in fetal position in the corner of the kitchen and cry. Maybe also consider hiring a lawyer for your little vandal.

If you're not crying and your kid is destined to go to Stanford: spoon the coconut whip into the tart crust.

for the topping: strawberries (apprx. 3)
kiwis (apprx. 3)

Chop up the strawberries and kiwis and put them on top of the tart however elaborately you'd like and consume.

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