Monday, September 22, 2014

Pumpkin Donuts

Donuts are my favourite dessert of all time. OF ALL TIME. They rank way higher than Beyonce's music video in my books. That reference is a tad outdated, isn't it? Oh, well. DONUTS ARE NEVER OUTDATED. Well, yes they are....they tend to go stale after only like an hour....but I don't care. I'm not caught up in your love affair. AND WE'LL NEVER BE ROYALS.

Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I've been listening to Lorde waaayy too much recently...and the Kanye reference.....I really have no excuse....I'm just lame and outdated. What do people even quote these days? Let's move on.

But donuts are the best. Not Australian donuts, though. Those are god-awful. So, if you're Australian and you don't share my donut obsession, it's okay. I forgive you. You don't know any better. Get Krispy Kreme donuts fresh if at all possible, that's the best your gonna get in this donut wasteland (or maybe don't get them cause they're practically poison.....delicious poison). 

The tragic thing about donuts though is that they are fried, made with white flour, dairy-ridden, refined sugar loaded pieces of evil. But they're delicious. Little dirtbags. Not these donuts though! Gluten-free, baked, refined sugar-free, vegan pieces of heaven. Little saints.

I must admit I like them better than real donuts. They actually taste delicious. And they don't make me feel like a inflamed, nauseous, piece of crap afterwards. Another good thing about baked donuts is that the pans make these little mini-sized donuts so you get a pretty healthy sized portion (unless you go and eat more than one like I did, whoops).

You'll need:
a donut pan (I managed to find one at Big W, but you might have to go to a fancy kitchen store or order one off the internet unless you already have one. You could also make these in a muffin tin, just extend the cooking time by a few minutes)
1 flax egg
1/2 cup maple syrup
2/3 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling, I recommend cooking a pumpkin, scooping the pumpkin innards out, and just mashing it up to a pulp)
1/4 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Grease donut pan and preheat oven to 180 C. Mix up the wet ingredients. Add the dry. Mix the wet and dry together. Pour into donut pan. Cook for 8-12 minutes. Let cool for at least 10ish minutes before removing. I topped mine with Mayver's hazelnut cacao spread & Loving Earth's caramelised buckinis. But feel free to top with whatever you've got handy, maybe regular peanut butter and chocolate chips? Nom away.

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