Sunday, September 21, 2014

Caramel Brownie Strawbie Nana Ice Cream

Remember those black bean brownies that I found too chocolately (cause i'm a chocolate-wuss)? Well, here they are re-invented in a way that's much more compatible with my palate.

This is also part of my strawberry craze which I will explain by copying word for word my instagram caption for the above photo because I can't be bothered with writing something else. "my boyfriend and i went to visit his family this weekend and on the way home, we went down this road where literally every 500m there was a different fresh farm fruit/veg stall. it was heaven! i ended up with the freshest, juiciest strawberries, organic honey, and a FIVE DOLLAR bag of avocados (hence the polaroid of my overly excited face ). so, i need to find a gazillion avocado and strawberry recipes to use over the coming weeks or i'll be eating guac & strawbs for every meal." 

This was RI-DIC-U-LOUS. I love ice creams like rocky road that have all sorts of chunks of things in them, and stupidly I haven't experiments with that in nana ice cream until now. This was a really good life decision. 

Now I'm just torn about whether to label it a breakfast or a dessert. I ate it for breakfast....sooo....I guess I'll say it's breakfast? But really the line here is too thin for me to discern.

You'll need:
a sense of humour to deal with my stupid way of writing fruit names
1/2 teaspoon maca powder (maybe more, depending on your tolerance. in addition to being a chocolate-wuss, i'm also a maca-wuss)
a wee bit of almond milk
strawbies (i used about 15 mini ones, but they are like 1/3 the size of normal store-bought strawbies. so maybe around 5?)
medjool dates (i used 4)
1 brownayyyy
a sense of humour to deal with the my stupid way of writing the names of food other than fruit
a small handful of Loving Earth brand caramelized buckinis 
date caramel sauce (just blend however many dates you want with however much almond milk you want)

Blend up the BANANANANANANANANANAs (or bananas if you're no fun) in a food processor, add a bit of almond milk to make it combine into nana ice cream, and finally add the maca powder and keep blending till it's evenly distributed. Now throw it in a bowl and add strawbie slices, chunks of medjool dates, bits of brownayyyy, and mix it all through. Finally, drizzle on the date caramel sauce and sprinkle the caramelized buckinis (not bikinis) on top. Now you're done. You don't need me anymore. So, you're free of my stupid food names, and you can enjoy your meal in peace.

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