Monday, September 15, 2014

Banana Popcorn Thickshake

"Banana Popcorn Thickshake? Say whaaat? No. No. No. You do not drink popcorn. You do not eat popcorn with banana. Why am I even reading this blog right now? Does this chick think she's inventive or something?"

I assure you. I am not crazy. Okay, maybe I am crazy. However, I am not just trying to be hip and inventive with this recipe. It's actually delicious and it really doesn't taste weird at all (as weird as it sounds). I also got a bit of inspiration for this thickshake from one of Boost's specials (but mine is much more delicious and way healthier and vegan). So, there is a large smoothie company backing something semi-similar to this recipe. Would they really risk thousands of dollars in marketing and their reputation just to be hip and cool and indie? I don't think so!

Now that I've hopefully convinced you of the legitimacy of this lovely, caramelly, not crunchy, jar of goodness, I'm going to share with you a few tips and tricks to make sure this doesn't come out all weird and funky (like you're still probably getting your granny panties in a twist over). Make sure you get the popcorn blended up really nice. Take out the chunky bits and blend them again if necessary. If you don't, this will be a chunky, crunchy disaster. Also, under no circumstances are you to put butter or anything on the popcorn. That will just make it taste weird. Buy the plain ol' popcorn kernels from the store, put them in a brown paper sandwich bag, twist the top, and pop them in the microwave. There's no need for oil or butter. It'll be just fine, I promise.

Onwards! To the recipe!
You'll need:
1 cup plain popped popcorn
2 frozen bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon maca powder
date caramel sauce, however much of it you please (just blend up dates and almond milk to desired consistency. feel free to get fancy and add a touch of salt)

Like we discussed earlier, pop the popcorn without oil or butter in the microwave in a brown paper lunch bag. Blend the popcorn separately (or food process it) until it's really fine. Toss the bananas in the food processor, blend them for a bit. Add the almond milk, vanilla, maca powder, and popcorn and whizz, whizz, whizz it up until smooth. Finally add your date caramel sauce. Get fancy and run it down the inside sides of the jar and pretend you're a barista or an overpriced smoothie bar worker. Or just be practical, and add however much you want to your thickshake and mix it in. Drink it up and be amazed that you're currently consuming popcorn in liquid form and it isn't nasty like old gum on the sidewalk.

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