Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Follow Up: Food Sensitivities

Okay. So, I already talked about food sensitivities, but I just had some really shocking experiences this past week that I wanted to share because it fully reaffirmed my hatred of white flour.

First off, I went out of town with my boyfriend to visit his family and I stupidly ate a regular, plain ol', greasy, gluten-ridden chocolate cookie. Then flash forward 30min, I have a huuuuge headache. I feel like I'm going to throw up (I literally thought I had food poisoning). I can barely stay awake. I had a sneaking suspicion it might've been the cookie, but I also hadn't had much sleep so I wasn't completely convinced.

Secondly, a couple days later, my brother got Pizza Hut and I ate the crust off one of the pieces of pizza (again, stupidly. i can be really weak when it comes to food). Thirty minutes later, exact same symptoms! Splitting headache, intense nausea, and feeling completely lethargic. And my blood sugar was high all night. I actually used to feel like that all the time. Literally. I'd have multiple headaches every day, constantly feel sick to my stomach. There wasn't a day that went by without me taking at least two ibuprofens. I can't remember feeling excessively tired, but it may have been that I was and just didn't know any different, or that might just be because I hadn't eaten that crap in ages. Dunno.

Thirdly, today I made some gluten-free pasta (vegan avocado-cauliflower-cashew mac & cheeze. omg so gewd guise). Now, I do not eat pasta. Hard fast rule. Never. Like even before I started eliminating stuff from my diet, I hardly ever ate pasta. I would feel ridiculously sick after eating it and my blood sugar would spike. I thought it was just because pasta is really high in carbs. Perhaps not? Because I ate my gluten-free pasta and I felt PERFECTLY FINE. Like whut? No nausea. No crazy blood sugar spikes. Nada.

So, I'm just kinda throwing this out here mostly to remind myself NEVER EAT WHITE FLOUR, SYLVIA IT WILL KILL YOU. But also just because sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just being a big hypochondriac and maybe I don't have any problems with white flour and such and maybe I'm just being crazy-pants. But oh dear lord, I definitely do have problems with it. NO BUENO. NO BUENO, I SAY.

I'm also just chucking this out here a second time, because I find it really mind-boggling how I used to constantly feel horrible and I never really thought anything was wrong. Like I knew most people didn't feel like that, but the idea never occurred to me that it might be a fixable problem. I just thought that was how I was wired, like people with chronic migraines. But nope. There was a solution. Crazy.

Also, so that you aren't left picture-less once again by my diabetes posts. Here's a photo of the avocado-cauliflower-cashew mac & cheese that didn't make me sick. ;)

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