Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thin Mints

An Ode to Thin Mints by Sylvia

Oh, Thin Mints. How I despise you, my least favourite Girl Scout Cookie. How I resent your popularity. I will never be able to fathom why you would account for half of my cookies sales when there are so many superior cookies. The disappointment you caused me when cookies sales were over, and I was left with the cookies whose owners I couldn't get in contact with. You were all that was left over. Maybe a box or two of Samoas, an odd Trefoil here or there. But you. There would be countless boxes of you. How I sobbed and sobbed, being forced to eat you. I didn't order any of you for myself, but you were forced upon me by those careless cookie buyers who never retrieved their order. You, Thin Mints, you were the bane of my existence.

Yet in my old age, I have grown soft and sentimental. I couldn't bare to neglect you. Even after all your wrong-doings and your sub-par personality, I had to give you a second chance. To reincarnate you as a healthy, vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free version of yourself. And by some luck, in your second life, I didn't hate you. Somehow, I was able to come to peace with you....and I tolerated you. Nay, I liked you. 

Anyways, yepp. I hated HATED HAAAATTTEEDDDD Thin Mints as a Girl Scout. But now, we've sorta made up....or at least, the idea of Thin Mints and I have made up. I'll probably never make up with the nasty, unhealthy ones. But yeah, since most people are Thin Mint lovers from the get-go, you shouldn't need to use this recipe to over-come your deep, dark, haunted relationship with them. But if you're Team Samoa fo' lyfe like me, these guys aren't that bad. They're actually quite good. But if I had to choose between Thin Mints and Samoas or Do-si-dos or Tagalongs, I'm sorry. I would still throw these Thin Mints overboard and let them drown. But legit. They're actually good. I swear. I just love peanutbutter and caramelly-coconut sooooo much more. Probs cause I've never been a huge chocolate person. But if you're a chocolate person or a Thin Mint person. You'd probably run to the rescue of these guys and let my poor Samoas drown. :(

In order to make EVIL (not so evil anymore) Thin Mints, you'll need:
for the cookies: 1 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder or cacao powder
pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup agave
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon almond milk

Pre-heat the oven to 180 C. Line a baking tray with baking paper, or oil it up. Mix all the ingredients together. Flour a surface (eg. counter-top) and roll out the cookie dough, using a rolling pin. Use a cookie-cutter (or in my case, a mason jar) to cut the cookies into circles. Put them on the baking tray. Put them in the oven, and bake for 4-10 minutes.

for the chocolate-mint coating: 1/2 cup cocoa/cacao
2 tablespoons coconut oil
4 tablespoons agave
6 drops peppermint oil (or 1 teaspoon peppermint extract)
1/4 cup water

Mix all the ingredients together, except for the water. Add the water slowly until it reaches your desired consistency (which will be pretty thin for easy coating). I found it took me 1/4 cup, but just be careful with it. You don't want it to go too liquidy. Dip each cookie into the chocolate-mint coating and freeze overnight. 

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